Tuesday 17 June 2014

You just never know....

I find it hard to commit to writing this blog everyday, as you can tell by my lack of presence lately. I basically have been MIA because a lot of good and not so good changes have happened over the course of the last couple of months. The best way I can explain it to you is that, I feel like someone took me, shook me a lot and threw me upside down. And I'm basically just trying to figure out how to rebalance myself.

Instead of hiding behind my computer, I've tried to embrace what life has been throwing at me with open arms, an open mind and an open heart, trying to live my life to its fullest. Does this mean that a lot of changes in a short period of time are easy to manage? Nope. Does it mean that there are times when I desperately wish I could hop on a plane and take off to Spain to avoid my life for a little bit? Yep! Does that mean I've been unhappy? Nope, quite the contrary actually. Despite all of these new and sometimes very challenging changes, I am happy. Happier than I've been in awhile.

So what has this taught me? We as humans are strong, malleable, adaptable, versatile, and fascinating. And life has so many ups, downs, and all arounds. But ultimately, this is life, and whatever hand we have been dealt either positive or negative, we'll figure it out.

You never know what life has in store for you around the corner and lately, I've been really excited to find out!

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