Friday 17 May 2013

Clothing Swap

I feel as though I start a lot of these blogs posts with an apology for being so neglectful.. However, I am not going to lie by saying that blogging is my first priority, unfortunately, this week has changed my day to day life. This past week at work.. well.. and the upcoming weeks are work are becoming increasingly busy. Since my normal work hours are 8:30 am - 4:30 pm, it's very unusual for me to stay to 6pm, 7pm, 8pm... which has become a normal pattern this week.

On top of my crazy work schedule, my first course of my Certificate in Corporate Communications and Public Relations has begun. Experiencing lovely technical issues, dealing with individuals at Humber who were incapable of registering me properly led me to being on the phone for over 1.5 hours and put me 4 days behind in my course, which doesn't seem like a big deal but when you realize that all your assignments are due in 2 days - not a pleasant feeling.

Oh to brighter topics! This week at work our team decided to do a clothing swap. What a great experience! Everyone brought in their clothes that they don't wear and are sick of. Basically any of those items that currently sit at the back of the closet waiting for the day when you wear them... Don't lie to me, we all have them. Since at least 3 of us are kind of shopaholics in the office, it makes for a great clothing exchange!

I got these jeans! woo!

My coworker got these shoes
Here are the left over clothes (we probably started with 10 bags of clothes)... these are the ones no one wanted.

We ended up donated them to a program at CAMH. Nothing was wasted, we all gained some new clothes, and we got to give some clothes to those who need them.

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