Wednesday 26 June 2013

Wow it's hot outside!

These past few days in Toronto as well as Sunday on the weekend have been extremely hot, +30c kind of hot.. Now don't take this the wrong way, this is by no means a complaint - I am extremely happy with hot weather. Since the hot weather is here in full forth, I have decided to make a list of my top million 5 places that I love visiting in Toronto during the hot weather.

1. The beaches

This by far my most frequently visited spot in Toronto (it's also one of my favourite places in Toronto period). I don't swim in the water. Now go ahead and tell me how safe it is, but my argument is, if the "safety" fluctuates daily, it's probably just safer not to go in it. Probably not 100% logical, but I've never gone swimming in it and I probably won't any time soon. The beaches offers a gorgeous beach, a boardwalk, a biking path (people need to learn how to use it),  and is a short walk from Queen St.

2. Sugar Beach

If I can't be at the beaches, I might as well be at sugar beach. Since I really don't in the water anyways, I never feel like I'm missing anything by going to this beach. It also has adorable umbrellas and if you get there early enough, lounge chairs.

3. The Yorkville Rock

Call me a snob, call me crazy, but I am absolutely in love with this spot in Toronto. My routine is to get my iced Starbucks drink, and get a frozen yogurt (which I can eat because it's from a milk derivative) from Summer's then sit myself on that rock to people watch relax.

4. Habourfront

Now, I don't go here all that often, but I think it's kind of adorable that children (well... and adults) can rent kayaks and boats to use on the pond. Funny? Yes. Adorable? Also, yes! I also enjoy the view of the lake and the boats as well as the restaurants with patios overlooking the water.

5. Restaurant patios
Why be inside to eat when you can eat outside in the gorgeous sun and warm weather? Since I work inside all day, it's always nice to go to a patio, sit down, and have a great glass of something alcoholic.
Some of my favourite patios include:


The Pilot


The Drake

I could go on... and on.. So I will stop there.

Off I go to sit on a patio! Ciao and happy Wednesday!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Of course you can do my make-up...

So a few weeks ago, I attended a wedding at the Steam Whistle Brewery. It my was my boyfriend's best friend getting married. The venue was gorgeous, the bride looked wonderful, and overall, it was a great wedding... (more to come on weddings in later posts).

At the beginning of the year, I was at a charity event and won a gift card for a free make up application at Gee. What a better time to use it then going to a wedding?

Problem is... now I'm hooked. I need way more money so that I can have someone apply my make up every single day.. well every time I go to special events at least. But seriously, going to get your make up done makes you realize the following:
1. Proper make up application can make anyone look good
2. I have no idea what I'm doing
3. If I could do this myself regularly, I would have much better photos
4. This better not turn into an addiction because it would be a very expensive one
5. Fake eyelashes are amazing

I would also like to say that the staff the Gee were fabulous, the store was adorable, and you felt great once you walked out. To top it off, I really liked the dress I wore to the wedding :)

Friday 7 June 2013

My favourite money sinking investment

So, it's clearly been awhile since my last post. Between my on line course, working a million extra hours at work, and having dental surgery - it's been a busy few weeks. Oh yes, you heard me right - dental surgery. Unfortunately, this is pretty common occurrence in my life. Having been blessed with lovely genes from my father, I am prone to dental issues. He has 13 crowns... mind you, he is over 60 years old, but still, how many people can say that have had over $100,000+ worth of dental work. Though, you don't realise how quickly these dental occurrences add up. Let's see, over the past couple years, I've spent over $14,000 on my teeth. Thank goodness that at least SOME of that was covered (when I had insurance... those were the days).

Anyways, this week has been interesting. It is the first time I've ever had dental work done for an implant. Basically, this is what the happening:

Which is actually pretty damn cool, if I may say so myself. The fact that they can replicate teeth like this is awesome! So this week, they inserted the bottom part - the post, and then in November, they will add on the crown, so that it actually looks like a tooth.

For anyone considering a dental implant - ask me how it goes later on. I can say for now that my pain from the surgery was minimal compared the pain I endured to extract the tooth in the first place - which is a win for me.

Having had this surgery means I am on a soft food diet for 2 weeks - joy! This means I made a lot of soup... which actually turned out well. I will post my broccoli and pumpkin soup soon. I also made split pea soup which I think was better than the broccoli and pumpkin soup - but I really like split pea, so maybe I'm just biased.

I still think that enduring the pain of all this dental surgery is worth it.. At least, my teeth still appear to be gorgeous minus the fact that they are probably going to fail me somehow in the future one by one. It's basically my best money sinking investment!

On another note, it's FRIDAY. Which is exciting in itself!!! Woo!