Wednesday 26 June 2013

Wow it's hot outside!

These past few days in Toronto as well as Sunday on the weekend have been extremely hot, +30c kind of hot.. Now don't take this the wrong way, this is by no means a complaint - I am extremely happy with hot weather. Since the hot weather is here in full forth, I have decided to make a list of my top million 5 places that I love visiting in Toronto during the hot weather.

1. The beaches

This by far my most frequently visited spot in Toronto (it's also one of my favourite places in Toronto period). I don't swim in the water. Now go ahead and tell me how safe it is, but my argument is, if the "safety" fluctuates daily, it's probably just safer not to go in it. Probably not 100% logical, but I've never gone swimming in it and I probably won't any time soon. The beaches offers a gorgeous beach, a boardwalk, a biking path (people need to learn how to use it),  and is a short walk from Queen St.

2. Sugar Beach

If I can't be at the beaches, I might as well be at sugar beach. Since I really don't in the water anyways, I never feel like I'm missing anything by going to this beach. It also has adorable umbrellas and if you get there early enough, lounge chairs.

3. The Yorkville Rock

Call me a snob, call me crazy, but I am absolutely in love with this spot in Toronto. My routine is to get my iced Starbucks drink, and get a frozen yogurt (which I can eat because it's from a milk derivative) from Summer's then sit myself on that rock to people watch relax.

4. Habourfront

Now, I don't go here all that often, but I think it's kind of adorable that children (well... and adults) can rent kayaks and boats to use on the pond. Funny? Yes. Adorable? Also, yes! I also enjoy the view of the lake and the boats as well as the restaurants with patios overlooking the water.

5. Restaurant patios
Why be inside to eat when you can eat outside in the gorgeous sun and warm weather? Since I work inside all day, it's always nice to go to a patio, sit down, and have a great glass of something alcoholic.
Some of my favourite patios include:


The Pilot


The Drake

I could go on... and on.. So I will stop there.

Off I go to sit on a patio! Ciao and happy Wednesday!

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