Wednesday 13 March 2013

Hello world

So, it's just another ordinary hump day... except for one thing, today I have finally decided to start a blog. After searching around for various types of blogs I could have, I have settled on a lifestyle blog, really this just seems like the best blog for me. An outlet where I can write about anything from food to traveling to make-up. It's a blog where I don't have to make up my mind but can write about the world as I see it, in my perspective, and express my opinions. You may not agree with everything I have to say, which is fine, but hopefully at one point or another, you will at least find it interesting or entertaining.

So I will tell you a little about myself... where to begin? Well, I'm 24 living in Toronto... And finally, after many years of not being sure and wondering if I should settle down somewhere other than Toronto, I have decided that really I just love Toronto.... There's no where else I want to be. This might be because 1. I lived in Winnipeg and it was hell interesting 2. I am such a city girl 3. As much as I love to travel, I love to come home.

Me during my first visit to Paris, j'adore!

I love clothes. I have a lot. Also, shoes. Have a lot of those as well... I also love design, photography, crafts, and a lot of random artistic-ish things. I also love coffee and Starbucks.

What else can I say? I currently work at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in the Nicotine Dependence Clinic (so no, I do not smoke). I do an energy exchange at the Yoga Sanctuary at Danforth and Broadview every Saturday and love it. I did a Masters of Arts at the University of Manitoba (I see a blog in the near future about my life in the peg) and I went to York University for my Honours BA in Psychology.

I have recently moved to the Danforth neighbourhood in Toronto and am in love. I am always trying out new restaurants and clothing stores in the city, so stay tuned for those. I am itching to bike to work when the weather gets warmer (maybe that will change once I start biking and almost die). I used to have a dog (for 13 years) named Daisy, a wheaten terrier, and miss her dearly... I love dogs, anyone who knows me, knows that I am actually a little nuts when it comes to dogs. The crazy lady that stops to pet any adorable dog, stares at all the dogs walking by, and frequents dog breeding websites for fun, yeah... that's me (guilty...). I see you shaking your head, it's okay, I would be too. The day will come when I eventually get another dog, but until that time, I will be that stalker person asking to pet your dog.

That was my gorgeous dog, Daisy. Miss her so much!

My life has some pretty amazing ups: great boyfriend, amazing friends, some great adventures traveling, etc. 
Of course, there are always the downs: what seems like constant dental problems and finding out you are unable to eat dairy and are allergic to eggs (my struggles with that to come)

All in all, I got it pretty good. And I would love to share it with you.

So follow me, as I begin this new journey, writing my first blog (well.. I used to have a livejournal like every other 15 year old out there... but I don't think that qualifies).

You may also follow me on Twitter @Ms_AshleyH
Or on Linkedin for my Professional Network 


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