Wednesday 10 April 2013

Real Life

The end of the University school year is approaching, I can always tell when so many people on Facebook are posting about final exams and finishing school. I get mixed feelings when I see these posts. Especially when I see people posting about their "final exam" and graduation. When I see undergrads posting, I think "Damn, I am so old, that was awhile ago..". When I see Master students posting, I think "Been there, done that! Glad it's over" and when I see PhD students posting, I feel very unaccomplished... But then I need to remind myself, that I made the decision not to continue on to my PhD so I really can't be too upset about it.

So all of these Facebook posts inspired today's blog. So here's my list of things I like about working and what I miss about school:

Things I like about being a working full-time:
  • Making $$$$$$ - Really, it's so nice not to be broke!
  • Not bringing work home with me, I work Monday to Friday, 8:30-4:30 and don't need to do any extra work on the weekend... I kind of enjoy working regular hours :-)
  • Making new work friends! My coworkers are awesome, I am lucky to have them!
  • No exams, I don't really miss those.. But call me a nerd, but I really enjoyed classes and learning - It's really not the same working... I have a thirst for knowledge often.
  • Being in Toronto. Working full-time means I am finished my Masters in the peg and able to live back in my favourite city... I really can't complain that much.
  • I am on the road to some sort of career.... I am not going to lie to you.. I always thought, I have time, I will figure out what I want to do with my live, well, hello real life... and still, no idea what my final goals are.

Things I liked about being a full-time student:
  • Not having regular work hours. Sometimes, I truly miss this... Now, as I work, I have to go shopping and to the gym when everyone else is also off.. It's just busy
  • Daytime naps - and not being exhausted. I like sleeping at irregular times and being able to take breaks whenever. I never felt as tired as working full-time
  • Manuscript, conferences, etc. I always felt very accomplished during these times. It felt great.
  • Scheduling my classes when I felt like it. I often planned afternoon and evening classes as I am not a morning person. Despite not being a morning person, I still need to wake up early every day to go to work, not ideal.
  • Being able to go out on school nights and then sleep in....A friend having a birthday party on a Tuesday night? AMAZING! I would be there... now... not so much.. hangovers at work, not my favourite.
  • Working part-time. Working life seemed easier. It also gave me a free membership to a gym, which I have to pay for now.
  • Summers off!! God, how I miss it...

Everyone always seems to have this idea that working life is so much better, but I see don't see what all the rush is about? Honestly, I wasn't one of those individuals that was counting down the days till school ended. I liked school, I only counted down the days until I could move back to Toronto. Working full-time has it's peaks but if I could be paid to go to school full-time, I would gladly take it, hands down.

Making the decision to not continue with my PhD was a big decision. Deciding not to a perma-student was hard, but knowing that I wouldn't gain too much from doing my PhD, I decided against it. Do I regret it? No! I think I made the right decision, but sometimes I wish I was getting a PhD, then I could be Dr. Hall... but who knows maybe one day!!

I also wondered what I was going to do with my life. In my undergrad, I often post-poned that thought. Doing a Masters was a good way to postpone thinking about it.. Then, I get to my Masters and graduated and still had no idea what I wanted to do... and still working full-time, I still wonder.. However, on the bright side, I have decided that I currently would like a Communications Coordinator position (preferably within CAMH) and therefore, am doing a Certificate in Corporate Communications and Public Relations at Humber.. why not? Now, I can combine working full-time with part-time school LOL.

Well, that's all today folks. To the undergrads graduating, congrats! To my friends finishing up their Masters, CONGRATS!! It is well deserved! and to everyone else, follow your dreams and do something that makes you happy!

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