Friday 12 April 2013

The good, the bad, the ugly

So I've been inspired by a lot of other bloggers out there to do this post. I think that everyone has their good and bad moments. We all have our strengths and our faults. I am far from perfect and I am slowly beginning to come to terms with that... Sometimes I do things that others would seem as normal mistakes and I freak out get a little upset.... I'm trying to work on it.
So here's to not being perfect!
The good:
  1. I think I'm pretty reliable at following through on my promises
  2. I try to lead a healthy lifestyle, with decent eating, exercise, no smoking etc.
  3. I write good papers. Obviously, this may not be evident through my blog, but I am very good at writing academic papers. I guess that's how I got through school barely going to class and partying a lot.
The bad:
  1. I have a solid addiction to Diet Pepsi.. It used to be Diet Coke, but York University converted me
  2. I swear quite a bit.... I wonder where I got that from?
  3. I judge myself all the time. In the morning, I always think "my hair looks terrible", "that shirt makes me look fat"
  4. I get upset too easily and take things too personally
  5. Sometimes I live in chaos and then sometimes I'm super neat.. I think I can only tolerate a certain amount of chaos
The ugly:
  1. I'm judgemental.. I'm working on it.. I do it silently, so you wouldn't know (unless you are super close to me)
  2. I have my snobbish moments, it's probably linked to the ugly #1. Please just ignore these times.
  3. I can really be a b*tch when I drink, watch out.. Sorry in advance!
I come to terms with the fact that I am either one of those individuals you either love or hate.
That's it for today. Happy Friday!


  1. I just did one of these, it was fun. I like when people write about themselves. I like feeling like I know them even though it's just through a computer.

